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KromSchroder Products, Conveyor Belt, Resolver, Encoder, Contelec, Burner Controller, Siemens Products

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KromSchroder Products

Sl NoProduct NameProduct ModelBrand Country
1Burner ControllerIFD 258-5/1wKromShroder-Germany
2Burner ControllerIFD 244-3/1wKromShroder-Germany
3Pressure SwitchDL3A - 315 ZKromShroder-Germany
4LCD Screen monitorSetex Secom 737XLKromShroder-Germany
5KEB InverterSeries F-5, Cap: 705 kw,440vKromShroder-Germany
6Type: TC410 with base220-240v0AC-10VA-IP-40KromShroder-Germany
7Air Pressure ControllerDG 150 U-3KromShroder-Germany
8Gas Pressure ControllerDG 150 U-4KromShroder-Germany
9Pressure Switch10 u-3KromShroder-Germany
10Burner ControllerGT-50-30T20E2 Ater/IC-50-30W20EKromShroder-Germany
11DG 10 UG-5Z, 84447013DG 10 UG-5Z, 84447013KromShroder-Germany
12Ignation TransformerZE 23/8.5-Volt : 240v ACKromShroder-Germany

Conveyor Belt

Product NameBrand Country
Conveyor BeltFiberFlon, Turkey


Sl NoProduct NameProduct ModelBrand Country
1 Resolver/EncoderTS-2651N141E78Tamagawa-Japan
2 Resolver/EncoderTS-2651N131E78Tamagawa-Japan


Sl NoProduct NameProduct ModelBrand Country
1Encoder Positional-Holo/ShaftOCD-DPBIB-1212-C100-OCCFraba-Germany
2Encoder Positional-Holo/ShaftOCD-DPIB-1412-B150-OCC-143Fraba-Germany


Sl NoProduct NameProduct ModelBrand Country
1Protentio meterKL 500-5K-O/MContelec-Switzerland
2Protentio meterGL 300- 10K M150Contelec-Switzerland

Burner Controller

Sl NoProduct NameProduct ModelBrand Country
1Seimens Burner ControllerLME 41.092 C2/LGD 12.01A27Germany
2Seimens Burner ControllerLME 22.233 C2/22.233A2Germany
3Seimens Burner ControllerLME 21.130 C2Germany
4Seimens Burner ControllerLME 22.232 C2/LMG 22.230B27Germany
5Seimens Burner ControllerLFL 1.333Germany
6Seimens Burner ControllerLFL 1.322Germany
7Seimens Burner ControllerLFL 1.622Germany
8Seimens Burner ControllerLFL 1.222Germany
9Seimens Burner ControllerLFL 1.122Germany
10Seimens Burner ControllerLFL 1.335Germany
11Seimens Burner ControllerLGA 52.171B27Germany
12Seimens Burner ControllerLGB 21.330 C2Germany
13Seimens Burner ControllerRWF 55.50A9Germany
14Seimens Burner ControllerSQL 33.03Germany

Siemens Products

Sl NoProduct NameProduct ModelBrand Country
1Siemens Servo MotorSQN 30.251A2700,230VACGermany
2Siemens Servo MotorSQN 31.401A2700Germany
3Siemens Servo MotorSQN 71.664A20Germany
4Siemens Servo MotorSQN 91.570A2793Germany
5Siemens Servo MotorSQN 90.350A2790Germany
6Siemens Servo MotorSQN 90.204A2799Germany
7Siemens Servo MotorSQM 45.291A9/45.29149Germany
8Siemens Servo MotorSQM 10.16102Germany
9Siemens Servo MotorSQM 10.15562Germany
10Siemens Servo MotorSQM 48.419Germany
11Siemens Servo MotorSQM 48.497A9WHGermany
12Siemens Servo MotorSQM 50.424A2Z7RGermany
13Sensor Electrode232 100 1420/7Siemens - Germany
14Ignition Electrode232 200 1421/7Siemens - Germany
15Ignition TransformerZE 23/8.5-Volt : 240v ACSiemens - Germany
16Siemens Module (CP-340)Type: 6ES7 340-1AH02-OAEOSiemens - Germany
17Siemens InverterMicro master -420, 220V, 0.37 KWSiemens - Germany
18Siemens analog i/p moduleType : SM- 331 IP 6ES7-331-1KFO-OABOSiemens - Germany
19Touch PanelType: TP177A1P6AV6642-OAA11-OAX1Siemens - Germany
20Touch screenMulti panel , MP-370, Tuch 15TFT, IP 6AV6-545-ODB10-OAXOSiemens - Germany
21Siemens Micro Profibus ModuleType: 6SE6400-1PB00-OAAOSiemens - Germany
22Micro master-4406SE6440-2UD17-5AA1Siemens - Germany
23Siemens Module CP3406ES7 340-1A02-0AE0Siemens - Germany
24Analog Input-output Card Simatic S7-300 6ES7 332-5HD01-0AB0A0 4x12 bitSiemens - Germany
25UV Detector 151UVZ 780Siemens - Germany